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Internet of Things Smart Space Research Team (IoT-s2o)
Marc-Oliver Pahl

Curriculum Vitae of Marc-Oliver Pahl Visit my researchgate profile page Visit my linkedin profile page Visit my xing profile page

I was born in 1979 in Heidelberg, Germany.


German Fluent in written and spoken form.
English Fluent in written and spoken form.
French Fluent in written and spoken form.
Latin Fluent in written and spoken form. At the moment: basic again ;)


2020 PhD Supervisory Award of the Technical University of Munich.
2016 Klaus Tschira Foundation, Selected Member of the 4th Heidelberg Laureate Forum.
2013 Technische Universität München, Ernst Otto Fischer-Lehrpreis (Ernst Otto Fischer Award for Excellence in Teaching), my hands-on course teaching concept, the iLab-concept (10 000 EUR).
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2016 Technische Universität München, Computer Science Department, special funding for extending my talk recording acitvities (1 300 EUR).
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2016 Technische Universität München, University MOOC 4 Masters Fund, awarded for creating a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) as iLab3 (25 000 EUR).
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2015 Technische Universität München, University Teaching Endowment Fund, awarded for creating a new smart space hands-on experience in the iLab2 (7 000 EUR).
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2014 Technische Universität München, Informatics Department, grant for designing and creating novel lecture recording hardware (2 000 EUR).
2014 Technische Universität München, University Teaching Endowment Fund, awarded for introducing video feedback elements to my teaching in the iLab-concept (15 000 EUR). Cooperation with the TUM school of education (A. Gröschner, M. Kleinknecht).
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  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
    • Member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Factory Automation (TCFA)
    • IEEE Communications Society Membership
    • IEEE Computer Society Membership
  • Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
    • ACM Communications Society Membership
    • Member of the German Chapter of the ACM
  • Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)
  • Graduate School of the Technische Universität München

Research Statement

My current research goal is making Pervasive Computing as ordinary to people as Mobile Computing became. To do so, I am working on an operating system for smart spaces and a development platform for Apps for smart spaces. My goal is enabling an ecosystem for Apps for smart spaces similar to the one existing for smartphones today.

My current major research interest is in enabling Distributed Smart Space Orchestration. I use the term Smart Space Orchestration to describe the use of software for monitoring and controlling distributed sensors and actuators of smart devices within physical environments (smart spaces). An example is saving energy by switching all electrical consumers within a room off once nobody is in anymore.

In particular I am interested in semantic bridging of the heterogeneity of the smart devices and their communication protocols, introducing portability of services, providing a secure environment for smart space orchestration, and reducing the complexity that is inherent to the realization of pervasive computing scenarios today.

During the past years I developed the Distributed Smart Space Orchestration System (DS2OS). It consists of the Virtual State Layer (VSL) middleware core for brokering and storing context, a service management framework, and different security mechanisms for effectively authenticating and authorizing entities of smart spaces. The VSL provides an abstraction over the heterogeneous components of a smart space that is powerful and easy-to-grasp at the same time, facilitating the development of software for smart spaces significantly.

A list of my publications can be found here.

For more details, have a look at the research section of my website.

Teaching Statement

Most humans love to learn. They love to explore. Learning can be supported by perceived success. In my teaching I try to make students curious to motivate them to learn. Since 2003, I am developing new teaching formats that enable self learning while providing just enough guidance to reach the intended learning goals within a reasonable time.

My first and so far biggest project is the iLab teaching format. It started in 2004 and reaches over 100 students each year, resulting in more than 1500 students until 2014. The iLab is a structured hands-on course. The structure implements the behaviour of an "ideal" student.

  • It starts with a lecture that the student attends. The lecture gives the theoretical background and some hints to the practical usability of its content.
  • The next phase happens within an online eLearning environment I developed for this course concept. The student individually reads more background information on the topics from the lecture. To remain focused, the eLearning content provides multiple-choice questions the student answers. The immediate feedback tells the student if she reached the learning goals.
  • The third part is the practical hands-on with literally getting in touch with the content of the lecture by oneself. This part happens in a team of two. The teaming is important as it allows both partners to work on the material, support each other, and most important question each others steps. The environment stimulates discussion, which in turn stimulates learning.
  • Finally there are two individual oral exams that require the students to look at the learned material again with a little temporal distance, and in context to the other exercises done. This part aims to reactivate the previously obtained knowledge to better anchor it in long term memory.

Another teaching concept I developed is recording all talks, the students give. I developed a platform that provides the students their recordings timely and with full choice on who may get access. Seeing their errors is a significantly stronger feedback than just hearing about them.

A third major activity of mine is making the students create learning materials. Teaching is an advanced form of learning as it requires deeper understanding of the taught material. It requires structuring a field, and focusing on the most important. In my course the student teams develop a small iLab exercise by themselves. This teaches the participants on how to instruct others well, and it provides future students with up-to-date content.

For more details, have a look at the teaching section of my website.

Professional Experience

2017- Habilitation in Computer Science with a focus on secure and autonomous data and service management in the Internet of Things (IoT).
2017- Director of the MOOC activities of the of the Académie Franco-Allemande (AFA). The AFA is a cooperation of the French IMT and the German TUM with the goal to foster the scientific and educational exchange between the neighboring countries. I am leading the activities for reforming the teaching by introducing more digital elements.
2017- General chair of Mensch-Sein mit Algorithmen / Being Human with Algorithms. I am the leading organizer of the celebrations of 50 years German Chapter of the ACM around the motto "Mensch-Sein mit Algorithmen". See
2014- Head of the IoT Smart Space Team at the Institute for Network Architectures and Services (Netzarchitekturen und Netzdienste) at the Technische Universität München.
2016-2017 Advisor of the Board of the Munich Center for Internet Research (MCIR). The MCIR is a research center of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. It carries out extensive scientific research on societal changes that go along with the digitization and the internet and will give guidance on how to shape these developments.
2008-2014 Research associate and lecturer at the Institute for Network Architectures and Services (Netzarchitekturen und Netzdienste) at the Technische Universität München.
2004 - 2008 Adjunct Lecturer at the Institute for Computer Networks and Internet (Rechnernetze und Internet) at the Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen.
2003 - 2004 Teaching assistant at the Institute for Symbolic Computation (Symbolisches Rechnen) at the Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen.
2002 Teaching assistant at the Institute for Modern Langages and Literature (Neuphilologie) at the Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen.
2001 - 2002 Teaching assistant at the Institute for Formal Languages (Formale Sprachen) at the Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen.


2014 PhD (with highest honor) at the Institute for Network Architectures and Services (Netzarchitekturen und Netzdienste) at the Technische Universität München.
2008 Diploma degree (sehr gut, best possible grade) in computer science. Thesis: " — webcam panorama images up to 360° in HDR" at the chair of W. Straßer (computer graphics) at Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen.
1999 Community service at the childrens hospital of the Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg.
During my civilian service I established a computer-based workflow for the diagnosis of the newborn screening. The new workflow replaced the so far existing manual workflow and led to a significant reduction of the time until the doctors got feedback while enhancing the quality of the feedback. After the end of my service a computer scientist was hired to continue maintaining the system.
1998 Abitur (sehr gut, best possible grade) at the humanistic Kurfürst-Friedrich Gymnasium Heidelberg.
Major exams in Math and Physics, minor exams in French and history.
Languages: Latin (7 years), English (7 years), French (4 years).

Non-technical Education

I am constantly working on learning and practising additional soft skills. My daily work with changing student teams brings a lot of practical experience in team management and project organisation.

Additionally I regularly visit training courses:

year Course Titel (Instructor) [duration]
2020 Team motivation - what strengthens our team emotionally (Davina Eggers) [1.5h]
2020 Resilience and Stress Management (Wolfgang Parnitzke) [1.5h]
2020 Agile project management with Kanban (Dr. Winfried Mende) [3h]
2019 Grant Writing (Dr. Christina Schütte) [2 days]
2019 Patents and Licenses: How to protect and commercialize Inventions (Dr. Katja Siegers, Dr. Stefanie Parchmann) [3 hrs]
9/2016-7/2018 Certificate for Higher Education of the Bavarian Universities - Expert Level - Zertifikat Hochschullehre der Bayerischen Universitäten - Vertiefungsstufe (Dr. Annette Spiekermann) [200 hrs]
2017 Convincing without Words - The Power of nonverbal Communication - Ohne Worte überzeugen – die Kraft der nonverbalen Kommunikation (Doro Plutte, Ulrich Grünewald) [1.5 hrs]
2017 Leaving the Happy Place - Why Words are not enough. - Raus aus der Wohlfühlecke – warum Fakten nicht reichen“ (Kristin Raabe, Axel Wagner, Ulrich Grünewald) [1.5 hrs]
2017 Digital Art - Illustrating Science (Elvira Schulze) [4 hrs]
2016 Scientific Story Telling (Prof. Olaf Kramer, Dr. Thomas Susanka, University of Tübingen, Rhetoric Department) [14 hrs]
2015 Scientific Communication (Hanno Charisius, Dr. Klaus Wingen) [14 hrs]
2013 Time management and work-life balance (Dr. Silke Weisweiler, LMU Center for Leadership and People Management) [4 hrs]
2012 Upwards leadership (Susanne Braun, Emanuel Schreiner) [4,5 hrs]
2012 Professional selection of employees (Dr. Claudia Peus, Ellen Schmid) [9 hrs]
2012 Running meetings effectively and efficiently (Stefanie Widmann) [2 days]
2012 Basics in Business & Administration for Scientists (Dr. Frank Böckelmann, Vice-President Wacker Chemicals)
2011 Presentation Skills (Nicole Ruby) [2days]
2011 Decision Making (Silke Humez) [2days]
2011 Speedreading/ Advanced Reading Techniques/ Self-Management (Dr. Wilfried Mende) [2days]
2011 Leadership & Responsibility (Claudia Wabel) [4days]
2010 Visible Leadership (Jochen Turbanski, Human Resources Development Linde Gas AG) [1 day]
2010 Team Management, Team Communication and Conflict Management (Monika Maria Thiel) [2 days]
2010 Doing Feedback Interviews (Feedbackgespräche führen) (Monika Maria Thiel) [3 hrs]
2010 Controlling the Learning Process by Asking Questions (Wissensaufbau durch Fragen steuern) (Tom Tiller) [3 hrs]
2005 Basics in General Business Administration (Grundlagen der allgemeinen Betriebswirtschaftslehre) (Prof. Dr. Andt Spandau) [60 hrs]

Professional Work in Academia

Conference Panels

I was organizing the following panels in the past:

Apr 2016 NOMS2016 - Challenges and Opportunities of Managing Hyperconnected Entities with the panelists:
  • Alexander Clemm (Cisco Systems)
  • Sven van der Meer (Ericsson)
  • Henning Sanneck (Nokia Networks)
  • Hanan Lutfiyya (University of Western Ontario)
  • Burkhard Stiller (University of Zurich and ETH Zurich)
  • Nur Zincir-Heywood (Dalhousie University)

I was participating in the following panels in the past:

Apr 2020 NOMS 2020 - Panel on Big Data - BIG Data Analytics – Blessing or Curse? (together with Hanan Lutfiyya (organizer), Nur Zincir-Heywood, Joe Betser)
Apr 2018 NOMS2018 - Cognitive Management versus Privacy in a Cyber World: Collision or Opportunity? (together with Jürgen Schönwälder (Bremen) and Alexander Clemm (Huawei, USA)
May 2014 NOMS2014 - Management of the Internet of Things (IoT and M2M) (together with Jürgen Schönwälder (Bremen) and Mauro Tortonesi (Ferrara))

Invited Talks

I was invited to speak at different occasions in the past, including the folowing:

Aug 2020 Keynote at the Summer School AI 4 Industry, Virtually in Saint-Étienne, France
When data is the new oil, it is our role to prevent the blowout!.
Jun 2020 Atos Pop-up Campus, Virtually in Paris, France
When COVID-19 brings out the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence.
May 2020 International Data Spaces Association’s VIRTUAL EXPO – Panel discussion "Scaling in Europe with Data Sovereignity - a French perspective", Virtually at Hannover Messe, Hannover, Germany
When Data is the new Oil, Security is the Blowout Preventer.
Apr 2020 Panel on Big Data at the Network Operations and Management Symposium, Virtually in Budapest, Hungary
BIG Data Analytics – Blessing or Curse?.
Jun 2019 IMT Atlantique SRCD Research Retreat, Carnac, France
Secure Smart Space Orchestration.
Apr 2018 Jacobs University Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Making Teaching better at Scale using Digital Elements.
Dec 2016 EURECOM Graduate school and Research Centre in Communication Systems, Sophia Antipolis, France
Smart Space Orchestration – How to make the Internet of Things smart?.
Dec 2015 IT for Energy (IT4ENERGY) workshop at EUREF-Campus in Berlin.
Data-centric modular building automation in the Internet of Things.
Dec 2014 IT for Energy (IT4ENERGY) workshop at Fraunhofer FOKUS research center in Berlin.
Facilitating the Management of Complex Infrastructures via Software Modularization.
Sep 2013 EU Tempus Event for the Modernisation of Higher Education at Technische Universität München.
The iLab experience - a blended learning hands-on course concept.

Conference/ Workshop Organization

Events, I organized in the past:

Apr 2018 Decentralized Orchestration and Management of Distributed Heterogeneous Things (DOMINOS) Workshop at NOMS 2018.
Sep 2016 Cyber Physical Systems Workshop at the 4th Heidelberg Laureate Forum, Heidelberg University with about 30 participants (selected students, doctoral candidates, post docs) together with:
  • ACM Turing Award Winner Joseph Sifakis
  • ACM Turing Award Winner Vint Cerf
  • Amel Bennaceur (Open University UK)
  • Sai Manoj (Vienna University)
Nov 2014 2nd Smart Space Orchestration Workshop at Technische Universität München/ Leibniz-Rechenzentrum der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften with about 60 participants (students, doctoral candidates, post docs, external guests from companies).
May 2014 1st Smart Space Orchestration Workshop at Technische Universität München/ Leibniz-Rechenzentrum der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften with about 60 participants (students, doctoral candidates, post docs, external guests from companies).
2013 1st Conference on Autonomic Communication Networks (ACN2013) at the Technische Universität München. See the conference website.
ACN2013 is a training conference for graduate students in computer science. At the same time it trains the participating PhD candidates in doin program committee work.
Student conferences using the newly established mode are held bi-yearly at the chair for Network Architectures and Services from now on.
May 2011 Future Networked IT for Buildings Workshop with around 30 international participants from industry and academia.
February 2009 Workshop on Knowledge Plane Mechanisms with around 20 international participants from academia and industry.

Work as Reviewer

I contributed to the scientific community as reviewer for the following journals and conferences in the past:


IJNM Since 2018 I am an associate editor at the International Journal of Network Management (IJNM). International Journal of Network Management
COMMAG IEEE Communications Magazine (COMMAG)
regularly since 2014.
TIE-IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (TIE-IEEE)
regularly since 2009.
International Journal of Network Management

Technical Program Committee memberships

IM IEEE/IFIP Integrated Management Conference (IM)
Apr 2018, Washington, USA.
NOMS IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS)
Apr 2018, Taipei, TW.
IEEE CIoT Cloudification of the Internet of Things (2018)
Jul 2018, Paris, FRANCE.
IM IEEE/IFIP Integrated Management Conference (IM)
Apr 2017, Lissabon, PT.
IM/ AnNet IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Analytics for Network and Service Management (AnNet) in conjunction with the IEEE/IFIP Integrated Management Conference (IM)
Apr 2017, Lissabon, PT.
IEEE CIoT Cloudification of the Internet of Things (2016)
Nov 2016, Paris, FRANCE.
GlobeCom Selected Areas in Communications Symposium - Cloud Networks (2016)
Dec 2016, Washington, USA.
ETFA/ SOCNE International Workshop on Service-Oriented Cyber-Physical Systems in Converging Networked Environments (SOCNE) in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (2016)
Sep 2016, Berlin.
NOMS/ AnNet IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Analytics for Network and Service Management (AnNet) in conjunction with the IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) (2016)
Apr 2016, Istanbul, TR.
ETFA/ SOCNE International Workshop on Service-Oriented Cyber-Physical Systems in Converging Networked Environments (SOCNE) in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (2015)
Sep 2015, Luxembourg.

Research Projects

  • 2013-2016 BaaS: Building as a Service
    [author subproject proposal, TUM project lead]
    Technische Universität München
    The BaaS project targets the need for comprehensive and open cross-domain management and control services in buildings.
    [ITEA 2 Call 7 12011 (14.6 MEuro, 22 partners). Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).]
  • 2008-2011 AutHoNe: Autonomic Home Networking
    [TUM project lead]
    Technische Universität München
    The AUTHONE project developed an autonomic system for the management of home networks, and the provision of community services.
    [Celtic project CP3-003 (4.1 MEuro, 9 partners). Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).]

Research Project Management Experience

I have co-authored several project proposals. I coordinated the creation of national (BMBF, BMWi) and international (EU FP7) proposals as sub-consortium, work package and task lead. I participated in multiple EU projects as work package leader, and as local project lead at TUM, as well as regularly contributing partner.

I organized some project workshops, several project meetings, and numerous telephone conferences.

I have background in the public funding landscape as I participated at several national and international information events, including:

2011 Information Day on the Research Public Private Partnerships Factories of the Future, Energy-efficient Buildings, Green Cars, Bruxells, Belgium.
2011 BMBF Konferenz Zukünftiges Internet (Future Internet Conference of the Federal Ministry for Education and Science), Berlin, Germany.
2010 3rd EU-Japan Symposium on Future Internet and New Generation Networks, Tampere, Finland.

Teaching Experience

I am constantly teaching since 2003. I enjoy working with students a lot. Find more details about my teaching activities here. Even though I am not a Professor my teaching activities include giving lectures, creating, organizing, and holding exercises and exams.

As outstanding activity, I developed several courses and course formats throughout the past years:

  • I created the most attended regular practical exercise at the university of Tübingen as well as of the Technische Universität München (more than 1500(!) participants until 2014).
    In 2013 the iLab-concept was awarded with the Ernst Otto Fischer-Lehrpreis (faculty teaching award) of Technische Universität München!
    The continuously collected student feedback to the courses is always very positive ("best course I attended", "only thing I could really use from University" ;)). The more than 1500 participants until 2014 speak for themselves. With about 60 participants the iLabs are the biggest practical computer science course that is organized without external partners at the computer science department of Technische Universität München.
    The iLabs are a major recruiting mechanism for talented students at the chair for network architectures and services.
    • I designed two practical hands-on courses that are continuously running at multiple German Universities.
    • I invented a didactical concept for practical hands-on courses that is tailored around an exciting self-learning experience for students.
  • I designed a two semester lecture on the basics of informatics that I held in 2003/ 2004.
  • I created and introduced a new concept for seminars that is organized like a real scientific conference.
  • I created and established a semi-automated workflow for recording student talks and providing the result to the students within hours. This is a uniquely strong feedback element for improving one's presentation skills.
  • I created several final exams for lectures.
  • I was participating as a consultant and trainer in a multimedia student education project for Universities of Applied Science in 2005. I supported the development of the eLearning DVD "Netzwerktechnik". I was giving several training courses at different schools in the south of Germany for this project.
  • I supervised more than 20 diploma, master, and bachelor thesis during my Phd (find a list of them here).
  • I supervised more than 40 students for different projects during my Phd (find a list of them here).

Selected Additional University Related Projects

Besides the activities listed above I did several University related projects in the past:

2013 Design and realization of a portal for recording and publishing lectures and talks. The aim of the project is to provide students with better learning possibilities and with direct feedback to their own talks via offering them the recordings of their talks as strong feedback instrument.
Have a look...
2010 Design and realization of two project related posters for the Authone project at the chair for network architectures and services at Technische Universität München.
Have a look...
2010 Design and realization of the infoscreen, an interactive public touch information screen hanging at the computer science department in the public hallway close to the chair for network architectures and services at Technische Universität München since then.
Have a look...
2008 Design and realization of advertisement flyers for the new media informatics major at Universität Tübingen.
Have a look...
2008 Design and realization of advertisement posters for the new media informatics major at Universität Tübingen.
Have a look...
2007 Design and realization of an interactive website for the "Romseminar 2007" by the functional analysis group of Universität Tübingen.
Have a look...
2005 Development of the Content Management System (CMS) miniCMS.
Have a look...
2005 Design and launch of the website for the faculty of computer science and cognitive science of the Universität Tübingen.
Have a look...
2005 Redesign and relaunch of the website of the entire CS department of the Universität Tübingen.
Have a look...
2005 Creation of an interactive multimedia CD about the "Romseminare 2001-2005" for Prof. Dr. Gregor Nickel as part of his (successful) teaching award application 2005 at the functional analysis group of Universität Tübingen.
Have a look...
2005 Editorship, design, and layout of the book to the "Romseminar 2005" by the functional analysis group of Universität Tübingen.
Have a look...
2005 Creation of the interactive website and a multimedia CD for the "Romseminar 2005" by the functional analysis group of Universität Tübingen.
Have a look...
2004 - now Development of the eLearning platform labsystem
Have a look...
2004 Design and realization of an interactive website for the "Romseminar 2004" by the functional analysis group of Universität Tübingen.
Have a look...
2003 Design and realization of advertisement posters for the Computer Science department of Universität Tübingen.
Have a look...
2003 Design and realization of an interactive website for the "Romseminar 2003" by the functional analysis group of Universität Tübingen.
Have a look...
2002 Creation of the interactive website and a multimedia CD containing the course material and the media produced by the students for the "Hypertext" seminar at the department for modern language and literature of Universität Tübingen.
Have a look...
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